gasket repair replace






Latex Gasket repair:

Neck Gasket      $75
Wrist Gasket      $45 each
Ankle Gasket     $45 each
Latex Sock         $65 each

Prices include parts and labor.  2-week turnaround!

Bring your Drysuit or Drytop to the Jantzen Beach store for replacement.
*Suits should be CLEAN and DRY.  Repairs must be paid in advance.

Not in the area?  Mail us your suit or top!  $15 shipping charge applies.  Call ahead to pay.
Mailed gear for repair should be addressed to:

Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe
c/o Gasket Repair
200 NE Tomahawk Island Dr.
Portland, OR 97217

Call us for details, questions, and availability: 503.285.0464

200 NE Tomahawk Isl Dr. Portland, OR 97217