By aldermr

Waldo Lake trip report from June 2014

Below are two recounts of a canoe camping trip at Waldo Lake at the end of June.  Chris and Kristin (below) are friends of employees Andrew and Steve, and this was a personal trip, not a commercially guided one.  Boats and gear were rented from Alder Creek. ************************************ Attention adventurous but low-level-outdoorsy-experienced humans: canoe camping …

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By aldermr

Owyhee River Journals

Tuesday, May 6th 6:30pm at Alder Creek’s Boathouse location -3rd floor, Mt Adams Room FREE EVENT! Join writer Bonnie Olin for a richly-illustrated journey into the canyonlands of the Owyhee River in Nevada, Idaho, and Oregon.  Her presentation is based on her book, The Owyhee River Journals, which includes 125 color photos of rarely seen landscapes by …

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